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Lose the Distractions

Varicose leg veins are twisted and swollen veins visible just below the surface of your skin. Also called spider veins, they are most common on the legs but can show up on the thighs, calves, ankles, and face as well. Besides causing unattractive veins, this common problem can also cause pain, skin ulcers, blood clots, and other health problems. Sclerotherapy for leg veins / varicose veins in Philadelphia can help you look and feel better in a short time.

What you need to know

Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure that involves a doctor injecting a chemical called a sclerosant into varicose veins to eliminate them. This procedure is virtually painless. The chemical damages the vessel’s innermost lining. This causes it to form a clot that prevents blood circulation in the vein just beyond it. Your body then reabsorbs the clot to permanently eliminate the vessel. The result is smoother and healthier skin that you won’t want to cover up.

The most typical causes of leg veins are:

  • Poor blood circulation
  • Hormonal shifts
  • Weight gain
  • Pregnancies
  • Jobs requiring prolonged sitting or standing

With the equipment and advanced modern technology, the methods to eradicate leg veins are safe, effective and nearly painless! At the Dermatologic SurgiCenter we provide this fast and simple solution to reclaiming your youthful beauty. Set up an appointment today!